Boss Your Future
Boss Your Future (Pilot)
Running: February - May 2022
Open To: Ages 16 - 30 years
With thanks to support from The Tilney Fund & Blue Sky Foundation we are launching a brand new employability programme with a twist, Boss Your Future!
Are you aged between 16 - 30 and not in full time education and / or employment? Looking for something fun and creative to take part in that will support you to:
Boost your mood
Increase your confidence
Meet new people
Equip you with skills to become more resilient
Improve your public speaking skills
Help you identify your strengths
Enhance your personal and professional skills
Sound like this is something you'd like to take part in? Join us across our 12 week creative comedy programme where we'll guide and inspire you to feel more comfortable, confident and ready to venture into the world of work and education, all through the power of laughter!
So what's involved?
Across 12 weeks we'll have a number of activities that will support you towards feeling more boss to take your next steps towards the world of work, these include:
Why I'm Boss: We're always our own worst critics. We live through our lives gaining a mountain of personal and professional skills, expertise and knowledge that can be used across industries. Our personal skills review session will help you to realise your full potential whilst identifying how these skills can be translated into different aspects of our lives..
Storytelling with a sprinkle of comedy: We all have funny stories in our lives we share with our friends and family, have you ever noticed how much easier it is to connect to others through a shared laugh? Over the duration of the programme our practitioners will guide you to create your very own comedic story that you will have the optional opportunity to perform to an invited audience of family and friends.
Interview Skills: Interviews *shudders intensely* am I right? Interviews are often daunting and overwhelming. We want to try and take away those pressures by providing a fun and engaging workshop that changes the way we perceive interviews, gain new skills in speech, presentation and interview techniques to conquer your next interview.
See My CV, See Me: There's no escaping CV's and cover letters in the world of work. Even in our personal statements for university. Our CV's, cover letters and personal statements provide a handy space for us to house all of our skills, achievements and proud moments, showcasing how truly fabulous we are to employers, universities and colleges! We'll be hosting sessions that will show how you can truly shine through in your next CV submission, application or statement.
Not So Ted Talk: Welcome to our TCT Talk...not quite a Ted Talk but we're funnier so that's okay. We'll be inviting Guest Speakers to join us on the programme talking about how they've overcome some of the most challenging aspects in their lives to educate, inspire and encourage a laugh of two.
You've Just Bossed Your Future: That's a lot to take in right? Our last week will be a celebration and reflection of our time on the programme whilst providing a much needed space to reflect on our experiences and to talk about our next steps forward. There will be biscuits (top tier), don't worry!
We would like to express our deepest thanks to The Tilney Fund & Blue Sky Foundation for making this project possible
(Community Foundation for Liverpool & Merseyside)

See the course in action

Want to get involved?
Liverpool's Royal Court Theatre, 1 Roe Street, Liverpool, L1 1HL
1st March - 10.30am - 12.30pm
8th March - 10.30am - 12.30pm
15th March - 10.30am - 1.00pm
22nd March - 10.30am - 12.30pm
29th March - 10.30pm - 12.30pm
5th April - 10.30am - 1.00pm
12th April - 10.30am - 12.30pm
19th April - 10.30am - 12.30pm
26th April - 6am - 9pm (Potential to change)
3rd May - 10.30am - 1.00pm
10th May - 10.30am - 12.30pm
17th May - 10.30am - 12.30pm
Please note that dates are subject to change dependent on COVID Restrictions
Email: info@thecomedytrust.com