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Nikki’s Blog! Internship – Week 4

So it has been a month since I started my placement with The Comedy Trust and I have been loving every second of it. This week has been no different as I have been continuing to learn new skills. This is what I got up to:

Day 7 – October 27th

I began today by adding email addresses to our newsletters on Mail Chimp, a website that I had not come across before. It was interesting to see how our subscription service works as well as ensuring that the email addresses were added to the correct list. After this, I tweeted some feedback from participants who took part on the ‘Funny Business’ course. The course aims to help those in businesses to develop confidence and help with their public speaking. I scheduled the tweets over two days so they were spread out, ensuring that the content is not overwhelming for our followers and making sure that the course is constantly being promoted on our Twitter site.

I then wrote a blog post on ADHD Awareness Month that provided facts and symptoms to inform our followers about the condition. I posted it to our Twitter and Facebook pages and used hashtags to maximise the readership.

I then learned how to edit videos using Adobe Premiere Pro. Using the footage that I took at the BBC Merseyside ‘Well Funny’ workshop with the aim to create a video that captured the essence of the workshop. Video editing is a skill that I have been wanting to learn for a long time and never had the time to do it. I managed to pick it up quite quickly and learned how to crop different pieces of footage, add titles, logos and transitions.

Day 8 – October 28th

I started the day by editing two blog contributions that has been emailed to me. The contributions were from comedy course participants and it was my job to edit the content and proofread it before posting it online. I posted one immediately and scheduled the other to be published on Monday so as not to overwhelm the site with too much content. I found the editing fun and challenging at the same time as it was important to cut down the content to an appropriate size while maintaining the participant’s tone and ensuring that their experience has come across in the text. I also learned how to insert a video hyperlink into an image on the blog post itself which is something that I had not done before.

I then scheduled some tweets with feedback from our ‘Funny Business’ course with Wirral Mencap. I also scheduled some tweets about Halloween and posted some funny Halloween themed gifs as well with the trending hashtag #FridayFeeling.

Overall, I have had another great week with The Comedy Trust and been able to add another skill to the list!


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