Nikki’s Blog! Internship – Week 2
Day 3 – October 13th
The first job that I did today was look on the social media sites and scheduled some tweets and promoting the Broadgreen International School Show. I also posted some quotes about comedy and tweeted about the ‘Well Funny’ Workshop that was held at BBC Radio Merseyside that afternoon.

I then wrote a press release for the Deyes High School comedy show that is taking place on Tuesday 18th October. I found writing the press release last week quite challenging as I hadn’t written one before. However, being able to write another one and prioritise which information is the most important is something that I have found that I have developed.
Attending the ‘Well Funny’ workshop in the afternoon was a great experience. It gave me the chance to see how The Comedy Trust help older people and hearing their stories and what makes them laugh demonstrated to me that although comedy has changed throughout the years, there are still aspects of story-telling that are timeless and will remain funny.
An aspect of the workshop that I really enjoyed was being able to use the camera and film parts of the workshop as well as several short interviews at the end. I learned how to use the camera really quick and before I knew it, I was on my feet channelling my inner Louis Theroux.
Day 4 – October 14th
Since there are no workshops to attend today, I have been catching on ensuring that The Comedy Trust is pushing its name through the social media sites as well as promoting my weekly blog.
I continued editing the press release for the Deyes High School show with the aim of having it released later on today.
Logging onto Twitter, I realised that today is ‘Be Bald and Be Free’ Day so I have tweeted pictures of bald comedians (including our own Sam Avery) and used the hashtag to get into the spirit. It is also the 90th birthday of Winnie the Pooh so I have tweeted a couple of images that includes some of Pooh’s much-needed wisdom.
This week has given me the chance to see another target group that The Comedy Trust helps and hearing the amazing feedback was great. Being able to use the camera has boosted my confidence with technology and I am looking forward to using it more. I cannot wait to edit the footage that I got and create my own films next week.