Week Fourteen - Festival Frenzy

Hello everyone!
I am now nearing the end of my Marketing Internship with The Comedy Trust. I have learnt so much and constantly learning more. Take a look at what I got up to last week in the office...
I had one last check over the Liverpool Comedy Festival 2017 brochure. I highlighted any little mistakes just to make sure it was polished.
The big task of the day was adding shows based on genre to the festival website. With so many shows this took me hours. I managed to complete the Family Friendly section along with Sketch, Improv and Story Telling. With the festival fast approaching it is important to get all the correct information on the website so all you lovely people can get a clear idea of what shows are on and where to find them!
It was a great chance to use the website editor on Wix as well as Microsoft Excel which contained all the information needed.