What you can do to help on #Anti-Bullying Week
It’s Anti-Bullying week 2016 and here at The Comedy Trust we want to take a stand against bullying by raising awareness and using #powerforgood.

So what is bullying?
Bullying comes in all shapes and sizes, but in short, bullying is behaviour that is hurting or causing discomfort to someone else. This could be in the form of physical abuse, verbal abuse, threatening behaviour, spreading rumours and undermining others. This can happen at home, school, work or online. It’s important to note that bullying doesn’t just impact young people but adults too.
So what’s Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the term given to bullying behaviour that occurs on online platforms, games and over the phone. As technology becomes a prevalent part of everyday life it comes as no surprise that over 52% of teens surveyed in 2015 reported being cyber bullied. The NSPCC has compiled a list of different forms of Cyberbullying that we’ve found helpful to gain an understanding on the topic.
What impact does bullying have?
Bullying can have a severely negative impact on an individuals’ mental health and well-being. Studies have alarmingly highlighted that over half of suicides committed in young people are related to bullying. The NSPCC also noted that there were over 25,700 childline counselling sessions related to bullying last year.
Other impacts include:
Poor adjustment and performance at school or work
Sleeping difficulties
Are likely to experience anxiety and / or depression
Physical Health affects such as headaches and stomachaches
Are at a great risk of developing violent behaviour and / or substance abuse in later life
So what can we do to help?
Educate, identify and pay attention – Educate yourself on bullying, what signs do victims display if they are subject to being bullied. In some cases signs may not be evident, pay attention and engage with the individual to encourage open conversation.
Never ignore – Never assume that it is harmless teasing. Intervene immediately.
Be a good friend – Be there for one another. Listen, encourage open discussion and be supportive of the situation.
Talk to a professional – If you feel you cannot handle the situation by yourself, seek professional help, this could be a teacher, parent, doctor, nurse or even organisation’s such as Bullying UK, Anti-Bullying Alliance, or the NHS.
Be Active – Stop bullying in its’ tracks, address the issue and implement changes to help the individuals who are subject to bullies. Create safe and friendly environments to encourage open discussion. Advocate #Anti-Bullying and make a stand against this type of behaviour.
FURTHER READING: The NHS have compiled a great guide to help tackle the issue of bullying, for more information on the topic click here.click here.
Want to know how to get involved in Anti-Bullying this week, take a look at the following link