Welcome Siobhan! Laughter After Loss' New Project Manager
When I first saw the vacancy for Project Manager on Laughter After Loss advertised, I knew I had to apply. I hadn’t been actively seeking...

Week Five - Press Release Queen
Jessie's week of becoming a Press Release queen!

A Month Already?
I am now on my fourth week at The Comedy Trust, which means I have been here a month already! Time is flying by !

Week Three - Blogging Heaven
"Hello again! This week was all about BLOGGING. Since I run my own personal blog, it is amazing that I can continue to practice my blog

Why is Comedy so important?
"You don't realise how much you don't laugh, until you laugh"

Week Two - Becoming a Photographer
Hello everyone! During my second week at The Comedy Trust I continued to learn new marketing skills and even dabbled into a bit of photograp