Nikki’s Blog! Internship – Week 1
"Hey everyone! My name’s Nikki and I am working as a PR & Marketing intern 2 days a week for 3 months at The Comedy Trust"

World Mental Health Day 2016
"Today marks World Mental Health Day. This is a day dedicated to fighting the stigma against all mental illnesses"

So what happens in a Stand Out workshop?
"The jokes themselves were incredible and I even found myself crying with laughter at several points"

"Today is all about breaking the stigma and informing people of the facts in the hope that in the future, there will be no shame attach

Ged volunteers at the Liverpool Comedy Festival 2016...
"The people running this want their volunteers to be happy and they have done everything they can to make me feel valued as a part of t

Richard's time on our Feeling Funny programme..
We have another instalment of the Feeling Funny showcase for you to enjoy. Feeling Funny is a six week course of Stand up comedy training an