Celebrating Fabulously Funny Women This International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day 2018 everyone!

Feeling Funny Mums Is Born!
Liverpool based charity The Comedy Trust have been awarded funding from the Big Lottery Fund to launch their brand new programme Feeling Fun

Bright Blue Monday
Monday 15th January is commonly known as Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. The reality is we don't need a special day to

Feel Good Friday For Feeling Funny
We've got some Feel Good Friday news to get this weekend off to a smashing-ly splendid start!

Laugh Your Stress Away, It's No Joke!
It's National Stress Awareness Day...what role does laughter play in helping us combat our stress demons ?

The Hard Sell
Read past participant Allan from our Comedy Course for Beginners latest trials and tribulations for his upcoming fundraiser for mental healt